Childspace is organized and incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of Ontario.
Childspace is registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, No.130526379
As provided in the constitution and by-laws, the corporation is overseen by a Board of Directors duly elected by the members of the corporation at an Annual General Meeting each June. The parents and guardians of children enrolled at Childspace are the members of the corporation.
The Board meets on a monthly basis to review the organization’s operations with senior staff, including care, administration, finances and other aspects of operations at our three centres.
The Board ensures the day care’s compliance with all of our goals and policies, as well as the criteria for child care, administration, and financial management established by our public sector partners.
The Board’s primary goal to uphold the well-being and healthy development of the children in our care.
From the constitution:
DESCRIPTIONThis Corporation is non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political, non-denominational, founded by Pat Costello and set up as a community/parent board. No part of its earnings shall ensure to the benefit of any member or individual…. [See the Childspace Constitution for further details.] |
PHILOSOPHYTo plan for any curriculum, we must begin with a basic knowledge of how young children grow, develop and learn. As Early Childhood Educators, we recognize that children learn best under the following conditions:
- When they have a good self-image and are warmly accepted as they are by both adults and other children;
- If given repeated opportunities to discover, explore, be challenged, be creative and to problem-solve through direct experiences;
- When given diverse choices of play to internalize that choice and its consequences that can lead a child to independence, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-control and a sense of responsibility;
- Following the children’s lead and by capitalizing on the children’s natural curiosity and exuberance;
- Through a rich environment that considers their total development and each one’s individual needs and interests;
- When supervised by teachers who protect and ensure each child’s rights without sacrificing any individual child’s right of the freedom to learn;
- Recognition that for all people learning is a lifetime experience and
- A child’s learning is fostered when we include: the family, day care teachers, school teachers, public health and all other community partners.
In order to provide a rich, diverse and secure environment, keeping in mind the child’s interest, we must provide and allow for a balance of activities: structured / unstructured, information / creative, active / quite, indoor / outdoor, observing / participating, and alone / in a group. |
AIMThe aims of the day care centre are:
- That we develop the child in all ways, to achieve their potential as fully as possible intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and creatively through play.
- That we are aware of the stages of development of the group and the individual within the group.
- That we have a safe and clean place for the children. For their safety, areas are checked by staff before children enter.
- Also a fire drill is practiced monthly. All our staff are knowledgeable of applicable health regulations and ensure we have a clean day care.
- That we follow the Canadian Food Plan in preparing interesting, varied and healthy foods for our hot meals and snacks.
- That we have a positive approach to the program and expand the child’s concept of time by placing emphasis on the task beginning and completion.
- That we plan space properly to promote this learning and develop the child’s ability to complete tasks and achieve satisfaction.
- That for optimum creative development, the teacher-directed portion of the program is kept to the minimum and the material in the room is designed in such a way that the child, can think of all possible options for experimenting and learning as he or she plays.
- That communication between the teachers – child – parent – Board – Director – Supervisor – Assistant Supervisor -is wide open.